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Emotional Wellbeing LIVE! Day
8th Oct 2021
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Living but not flourishing – languishing. What is it and what can we do about it?
Speaker: Triston Francis
Languishing is the absence of wellbeing. A recent New York Times article called it “the neglected middle child of mental health”.
Read MoreMany people are struggling with the emotional long-haul of the pandemic and research suggests that those ‘Languishing’ right now are most likely to experience major depression and anxiety disorders in the next decade. In this session we delve deeper to understand this common phenomenon and understand the impact it can have on how we view ourselves, our capabilities and how engaged we feel in the workplace. Explore ways to cope with the feelings of disconnect, fatigue and self-doubt languishing brings on.

When It’s Not Business As Usual Handling Grief In The Workplace
Speaker: Kimberly Ho, CMHA
Grief is a challenging and complicated experience with emotions ranging from denial and bargaining to anger and depression before we can get to acceptance.
Read MoreWith the eventuality of the process leading to routine which for many of us includes returning to work and interestingly for some could even be a way to avoid grieving. Regardless, a grieving employee quickly becomes the elephant in the room. In this session, we take a closer look at the grieving process and any new challenges or changes given the current situation. We will also look at ways to hold space for a grieving colleague and some steps leaders can take in the workplace.

Understanding Anxiety and Managing it in a Hybrid Work Environment
Speaker: Dr Aishwarya Pethe Kulkarni
Companies have shared in surveys or stated outright that hybrid work is the dominant model for the near future.
Read MoreHowever, with the term ‘hybrid work’ poorly defined and uncertainty around how work is getting done or the challenges of establishing a digital presence, there is increasing anxiety for both employees and company leaders. Discuss how our remote work experience has evolved and identify the impact of these rapid transformations on our emotional wellbeing. Look at ways to cope with these challenges, foster deeper connections to enhance our social wellbeing and deal with the performance anxiety, leading to disconnect and burnout.

The Power of stories in the workplace
Speaker: Vivian Cheng, Community Business
Speaker: Coy Ordonez Country Chief Administrative Officer
Stories help give our feelings a voice.
Read MoreHidden in our stories are helpful reminders of personal triumphs, experiences that need to be normalised, and permission to say, "It's ok not to be ok"! We hear first-hand the survival mechanisms working in a high-pressured, fast-paced corporate environment and living with depression for almost 20 years.